Paintings 2019 – 2023


Acryl op canvas – 100 x 100 cm – juli 2022

Somewhere, between me and you
Acryl op canvas – 100 x 100 cm – maart 2022

Was it pink or orange that day, I just don’t remember
Acryl op canvas – 100 x 100 cm – maart 2022

Zonder titel
Acryl op canvas – 100 x 100 cm – juni 2021

Zonder titel
Acryl op papier – 90 x 90 cm – april 2021

If we could do it all over again, would we do it differently
Acryl op canvas – 100 x 100 cm – maart 2021

Zonder titel
Acryl op papier – 90 x 90 cm – februari 2021

Acryl op papier – 90 x 90 cm – juni 2020

Acryl op papier – 90 x 90 cm – februari 2020

Acryl op papier – 90 x 90 cm – oktober 2019

Acryl op karton – 90 x 90 cm – juni 2019


Porseleinen schilderijen
Antoinet Deurloo maakt porseleinen schilderijen met een zelf ontwikkelde techniek die zij ‘schilderen met porselein’ noemt. Zij gebruikt vloeibaar porselein en schildert hiermee haar geabstraheerde landschappen. Hiermee kan zij ragfijne lijnen, organische vormen en een reliëf in het oppervlak maken. In het tweede stadium van haar werk beschildert zij het porselein met pigmenten en oxides.
Geabstraheerde landschappen
Met weinig visuele aanknopingspunten toont zij landschappen die erg tot de verbeelding spreken en zeer suggestief zijn. Het zijn imaginaire geabstraheerde landschappen die de ene keer duidelijk landschappelijk zijn en de andere keer meer symbolisch. Het ontbreken van een westers perspectief (ze gebruikt geen diepteperspectief dmv schaduw, overlapping of kleur) roept vragen op. Waar kijk ik naar? Vanuit welk perspectief? Is het groot, is het klein? Dit wordt nog benadrukt door het ontbreken van herkenbare objecten; dieren en mensen laat zij opzettelijk achterwege.
Haar porseleinen schilderijen zijn vooral geïnspireerd op oude Oost-Aziatische geschilderde landschappen van inkt op papier en de daarbij behorende Taoïstische filosofie waarin de natuur de kern van het leven is.

Porcelain paintings
Antoinet Deurloo makes porcelain paintings with a self-developed technique that she calls ‘painting with porcelain’, applying liquid porcelain to create her abstracted landscapes. With this she can create gossamer lines, organic shapes and a relief in the surface. In the second stage of her work she paints the porcelain with pigments and oxides.
Abstract landscapes
With few visual clues, her landscapes make an appeal to the imagination and are highly suggestive. They are imaginary abstracted landscapes that are clearly scenic at times and more symbolic at other times. The lack of a western perspective (there is no depth perspective through shadow, overlap or color) raises questions. What am I looking at? From what perspective? Is it big, is it small? This is strengthened by the absence of identifiable objects; animals and people intentionally left out.
Her porcelain paintings are mainly inspired by old East Asian painted landscapes of ink on paper and the associated Taoism philosophy in which nature is the core of life.



orcelain & pigment
8 x 8 cm mounted on hardwood
collection of artist

AntoinetDeurloo/Vase ‘Vase’

2008 – 2010
Cups, vases and objects:
“I was inspired by the design of mass produced packaging
that I found in my daily surroundings”

In her earlier work you can see her fascination for certain mass produced packaging. These packaging are part of our daily surroundings and are meant to protect the goods and to be thrown away after their use.

She started collecting packaging with geometric paterns and fascinating shapes that inspired her. Most of them were used for packaging cheese, meat, chocolates or cookies. Also other plastick packages containing lemon juice or the paper package for her computer cartridge.

She saw a hidden beauty in these packaging and they inspired her to create new ceramic works. This way she altered these seemingly worthless plastic objects into new, unique and long lasting ceramic objects. She created a new existence and a new function for these packaging and found a way to reveal and show their beauty.

The vase ‘Vase’ has won her a prize in the ’56th Premio Faenza’, Italy.
For this vase she used a plastic tray that came with a box of chocolates.

Vase vase 2


Vase ‘Vase’ – from plastic tray for chocolates
Stoneware, glazed inside
18,5 x 16,5 x 16,5 cm

AntoinetDeurloo/Circle cup

Beehive S/M/L
Porcelain or stoneware
6/8/15,5 x ø 5 cm


Circle cup – made from plastic package for meat
7 x 6 x 5,5 cm

Sicilia, flower vase in different colours
Porcelain or stoneware
10 x ø 5 cm

Papermold No.1
9 x 11 x 15,5 cm